























High quality foreign blacks


        乐队由欧洲各国的专业乐手组成,众位乐手来中国发展多年, 有足够的舞台表演经验,乐队每一个成员均于毕业于高等音 乐学院,他们在欧洲酒吧驻场演出多年。参加欧洲各类音乐 节、啤酒节演出很多。乐队现场演出气氛很好,风格多样化, 流行、爵士、摇滚都非常拿手,适合参加各类演出活动,承 接全国各地演出业务。

        The band is composed of professional musicians from all over  Europe. All the musicians come to China for many years and  have enough stage performance experience. Each member of the  band graduated from the High School of Music and performed  for many years at the European bar. Participate in various  European music festival, Oktoberfest performances a lot. The live  performance of the band is very good atmosphere, diversified  style, popular, jazz, rock are very good, suitable for all kinds of  performances, to undertake the show business across the country.






High quality black band


        作为公司亲自培养的黑人乐队,异国风 情的黑人乐队,唱功也了得,拥有歌曲 天赋的黑人,在这一方面也是可给您带 来惊喜的感受,本公司选取的黑人乐队 对于颜值的把控,歌曲的质量是非常严格的,拥有专门的形象包装设计。

        As the company personally train black  band, exotic black band, singing is also  amazing, with songs of black talent, on  the one hand, also can give you a  surprise feeling, the company selected  the black band for yen value to control  the quality of the song is very strict, have  the specialized image packaging design  the.




Chinese drum opening dance



        As a common opening program, encouragement has always been favored by all kinds of celebrations and annual clubs. The lighting and dancing beauty of encouragement and stage are more magnificent. On the basis of traditional encouragement, we have also introduced blue and white porcelain drum, water drum, led drum and other creative forms of encouragement. I hope you will like it





violin and piano







        There are various forms of performance and collocations, as follows:

        1. Violin solo 2. Three violins + one Cello (String Quartet)

        3. Violin + keyboard (piano, role of political band, recommended) 4. Keyboard (effect of piano, guitar, whole band)






High quality foreign military band


        军乐团是由军队的铜管、木管、打击等 乐器演奏员组成的音乐团体。主要任务 是为国家和军队的重大庆典演奏。 国外发展得比较成熟,在各大开业庆典 运用,也受到多方客户的好评。

        The band is composed of brass , woodwind, percussion forces and other  musical instruments performer composed  the music group. The main task is to play  the major celebrations of the country  and the army. I t is more mature in  foreign countries, and is well received by  many customers in the big opening  ceremonies.




High quality foreign DJ



        Foreign DJ is not only good in image,  but also a good manufacturing  atmosphere.




Foreign saxophone


        萨克斯可能是最浪漫的器乐, 萨克斯 在爵士乐、现代流行轻音乐中大量使用, 萨克斯的主要特点是音色美妙变化,深 沉而平静, 富有感情,轻柔而忧伤,好像 回声中的回声、在寂静无声的时刻,没 有任何别的乐器能发出这种奇妙的声响。

        Sachs maybe the most romantic  instrumental music, saxophone widely  used in jazz, modern popular light music,  saxophone is characterized by wonderful  changes in tone, deep and calm, full of  emotion, gentle and sad, like the echo of  echo, silent moment No other instrument  can make such a marvelous sound.





High quality foreign blacks


        来自马达加斯的正宗黑人手鼓,黑人受 鼓舞,火把舞,浓浓非洲风情的土著舞。 主要用于:晚会、年会、展览、楼盘、 发布会、酒会、巡游、派对、开幕表演、 政府大型活动等场合,是活动现场既能 互动又能带动气氛的不可或缺的节目

        From the motor Garth authentic black  black tambourine, inspired the torch  dance, thick African style Aboriginal  dance. It is mainly used for parties,  annual meetings, exhibitions, real estate,  conferences, cocktail parties, tours,  parties , opening performances ,  government activities and other occasions. It is an indispensable program  for interactive activities and atmosphere.





Foreign moving violin


        动感小提琴,别样的鼓点音乐搭配上小 提琴的伴奏,展现出来的音乐效果是无 法模拟的,演奏时,我们的琴手通过专 业的舞蹈动作来为大家展现别样的音乐 风情。

        Dynamic violin, drums and other music  on the violin collocation, show the effect  of music can not be simulated, when  played our piano player through professional dance for everyone to show  a kind of music style.








High quality foreign blacks


        桑巴是音乐加舞蹈的混合体。桑巴是欧洲白 人音乐与非洲黑人音乐融合的产物。狂欢节 是桑巴音乐展示的最佳舞台,适用于开业典 礼,巡游,发布会等,给活动现场增加狂欢, 欢乐的气氛,桑巴演员无论是服装还是笑容, 姿态等都是选取最专业的标准。

        Samba is a mixture of music and dance. Samba  is the product of the fusion of European white  music and African African music. Carnival is the  best stage for samba music show. It is suitable  for opening ceremony, cruise, press conference,  etc. to add Carnival and joyous atmosphere to  the scene of the event. Samba actor is the  most professional standard whether it is  clothing or smile, gesture.








        The team is composed of a group of young and lively girls with high beauty. They are good at jazz dance, modern dance, classical dance, ethnic dance, hula dance, Samba dance, etc. they can also be customized according to the needs of customers!




Dragon Dance Lion Dance


        舞龙起源于中国的传统舞蹈,舞龙和舞狮,古代史在一年中的大型节日里面节目之一,舞狮子又称 舞子狮,多在年和喜庆活动中表演,狮子在中国人心中为瑞兽,象征着吉祥如意,从而在舞狮活动中寄托着民众消灾除害、求吉纳福的美好意愿。


Dragon dance originated from Chinese traditional dance, dragon dance and lion dance. Ancient history is one of the large-scale festivals in a year. Lion dance, also known as lion dance, is mostly performed in the annual and festive activities. The lion is a auspicious animal in the hearts of Chinese people, which symbolizes good luck and good luck. Thus, in lion dance, people's good will to eliminate disasters and seek jinafo is entrusted.

In addition to opening and new year's day, more and more indoor corporate celebrations will also choose lion dance with LED background, which is novel and atmospheric.






MJ imitation show



        Classic in the classic, large-scale stage activities, music festival common performance form, MJ, has been on the road.




Skirt of the Xinghe River



        The group of stars changed the monotony and dullness of the traditional stage singing show, used the big skirt and projector to express the melodious beauty of the songs and notes, so that the lyrics and songs can reflect the specific meaning of the lyrics through the different colors and lines of the skirt, and the expression of the singer's feelings, so that the songs, lyrics and singers can be integrated, and comprehensively express the spiritual mood brought by each song to people! Convey the vitality of each song, the soul of the creator and the sustenanc




Mirror man



        Mirror dance is a new form of dance performance. The performers wear silver mirror reflective clothes, and the performance form integrates mechanical dance and laser video. This unique form of performance is also the most eye-catching place. With the cool mirror people dance, it becomes the most eye-catching part.





High-quality Broadway jazz dance


        爵士舞是一种急促又富动感的节奏型舞 蹈,是属于一种外放性的舞蹈,不像古 典芭蕾舞或现代舞所表现的一种内敛性 的舞蹈。

        Jazz dance is a kind of rapid and dynamic rhythmic dance, belonging to a  kind of extroverted dance, unlike the introverted dance represented by classical ballet or modern dance.






High-quality foreign tap dance


        踢踏舞(英文:tap dance)是现代舞蹈风格 的一种。形成于18世纪20年代的美国。这种舞 蹈的形式比较开放自由,没有很多的形式化限 制。舞者不注重身体的舞姿,而是着重趾尖与 脚跟的打击节奏的复杂技巧。踢踏舞根据不同 舞曲的节奏来跳快慢的程度,主要靠踢踏鞋发 出‘踢踢踏踏’的声音。

        Tap dance (English: tap dance) is a modern dance  style. The United States, formed in the 1820s. This  form of dance is more open and free, without  much formal restrictions. The dancers do not pay  attention to the body dance, but focus on the  complicated skills of striking beats on the tiptoe  and heel. Tap dance According to the rhythm of  different dance to jump fast, mainly by tap shoes  issued 'kicked' sound.






Foreign ballet performance


        芭蕾舞是用音乐、舞蹈手法来表演戏剧情节,芭蕾,一项崇高的艺术,往往能给人带来崇高的艺 术感,具有很强观赏性,以及艺术感。

        Ballet is a musical, dance technique  to perform dramatic plots, ballet, a  sublime art, can often bring a noble sense of art, has a strong ornamental, and artistic sense.





Foreign Latin dance performances


        最初,拉丁的音乐和舞蹈是人们庆祝胜利或丰收的一种表达方式,后来渐渐发展为年轻人相互表达爱慕之情的一种方 法,令人无法抗拒的魅力终使拉丁舞风靡世界。

        Initially, Latin music and dance were one of the ways people celebrated victory or  harvest. Later, they gradually developed a way for young people to express their  love for each other. The irresistible charm finally made Latin dance popular in the  world.






Foreign cheerleading performances


        啦啦操是一项深受广大群众喜爱的、普及性极强,集体操、舞蹈、音乐、健身、 娱乐于一体的体育项目。 也是一项多人的集体项目。

        Cheerleading is a popular sport by the  masses, popular, gymnastics, dance, music,  fitness, entertainment in one of the sports.  It is also a multi-person collective project.





Foreign court dance performances


       宫廷舞,华丽的音乐和物资轻慢与庄重, 这种舞蹈有着严格规定的舞步、举止、 仪态和舞蹈程序。

       Court dance, gorgeous music and supplies  light and solemn, this dance has a strict  rules of dance, demeanor, deportment and  dance program.









Foreign clown performances


        小丑,一个在银幕上经久不衰的形象。他们通常 服装艳丽、表情夸张,总是做着这样或那样的逗 人举动,却往往在暗处表现出无尽的哀伤。然而, 时代嬗变、人各有异。有人会在小丑的表情中发 现一丝伤痛,有人则会感到一丝恐怖,更有人会 拿出一张纸牌,告诉你一切都不要当真,只要开 心就好……

        Clown, an enduring image on the screen. They are  usually brightly dressed, exaggerated facial  expressions, always doing this or that funny move,  but often show endless sadness in the dark .  However, the evolution of the times, different  people. Someone will find a trace of pain in the  expression of the clown, while others will feel a  trace of terror, and some will come up with a  solitaire card, telling you everything is not serious,  as long as happy ...




Sand painting



        More and more forms of sand painting performance appear in the enterprise celebration. A vivid picture is like an elder telling the development of the enterprise. With the host's vivid explanation, everyone on the scene is intoxicated. If you want to tell a story, sand painting is really a good choice...




suzhou pingtan




        Pingtan, also known as Suzhou Pingtan, Shuo or nanci, is the general name of Suzhou Pingtan and Tanci. It is an ancient and beautiful art of Chinese rap. Pingtan is usually delivered by one person on the stage, and its contents are mostly the historical stories of Jin Ge TieMa and the chivalrous heroes. Generally speaking, Tanci is composed of two people, holding three strings on the top, holding lute on the bottom, playing and singing on their own. The content of Tanci is mostly Legendary Novels and folk stories with strong feelings for children and girls.

If friends come to Suzhou from afar, as a world intangible heritage, this program must be the most suitable.



Kunqu Opera



        In the competition of stage performance, the artistic elements of Kunqu opera were absorbed by various local dramas, which contributed to the prosperity of local dramas and the birth of Beijing opera. Kunqu Opera is the most influential type of opera in the middle of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. Many operas are developed on the basis of Kunqu Opera, known as the ancestor, teacher and mother of Chinese opera.




folk song



        Elegant, high-end atmosphere, folk song program has been favored by all kinds of celebrations.




Monkey King



        Monkey King imitates actor, is good at Monkey King Cape show, golden cudgel performance and the West journey classic plot deduction! Undertakes each kind of commercial performance, the promotion activity also may! The typhoon is cool, burns explodes the entire scene!!!




Laser dance



        Laser dance performance is a kind of dance combining human and laser. Whether it's a new concept of hearing brought by music sound effect or a new impact brought by light effect vision, it can give people a strong shock. Laser human performance brings us into the mysterious and science fiction wonderland of space in the form of light, as if we can enjoy a light changing journey easily. Control the laser, dominate the world, where there is light, there are us. This is the Manifesto of the laser man, and also the core idea of the whole performance.




Change of Sichuan Opera


        川剧变脸是川剧表演的特技之一,用于揭示剧中人物的内心及思想感情的变化,即把不可见,不可感的抽象的情绪和心里状态变成可见,可感的具体形象-脸谱。川剧变脸是运用在川剧艺术中塑造人物的一种特技,是揭示剧中人物内心思想感情的一种浪漫主义手法。 作为中国传统特色节目,变脸由于强互动性与观赏性强,往往被各类活动青睐。

        Face changing in Sichuan Opera is one of the special effects of Sichuan opera performance, which is used to reveal the changes of the characters' hearts, thoughts and feelings, that is, to change the invisible and imperceptible Abstract emotions and mental states into the visible and perceptible concrete image - facebook. Face changing in Sichuan Opera is a special skill used to create characters in the art of Sichuan Opera. It is a romantic way to reveal the inner thoughts and feelings of characters in the drama. As a program with Chinese traditional characteristics, face changing is often favored by all kinds of activities because of its strong interaction and appreciation.




Anti string


        现代意义上的反串是一门新生艺术。也是娱乐圈的近年来最新的流行词,是形式男扮女装或女扮男装的舞台标远艺术。在过去的是指角色的客串,而现在已被广泛的用于性别、声音的反串。串,就是串角的意思。反,就是相反,男的反意思是女的。 能歌善舞的反串算的上传统舞台上的一致飘香玫瑰。

        In the modern sense, antithesis is a new art. It is also the latest popular word in the entertainment circle in recent years. It is the stage art of formal men's disguise as women or women's disguise as men. In the past, it used to refer to the role of guest, but now it has been widely used for gender, voice cross. String is the meaning of string angle. On the contrary, male means female. The contraries that are good at singing and dancing are the same fragrant roses on the traditional stage.




Bubble ShowBubble Show



        The magic dream world, the gorgeous brilliance is excessive, and the magic adventure is finally coming to the stage from people's imagination under the efforts of world-class masters. The best performance that can be seen, touched and jumped together is the non-verbal drama and the performance form that pays attention to experience, in which every audience can enjoy the baby show, a brand-new watch The show format quickly spread from Broadway all over the world.




Light and shadow painting



        Light and shadow sand painter is a new form of performance, with beautiful effect, creating a dreamlike and gorgeous picture for you. Where the light painter has painted on the spot, the painting will emit profound fluorescence. Light and shadow painting is more avant-garde and modern than sand painting and water shadow painting. Jiang's most advanced technology and painting art are fully combined to form a light and shadow dream picture with strong visual impact.




Folk handicrafts



        In the past two hundred years, a revolution in production and science and technology that generations dream of and pursue is replacing manual labor with machine production and replacing manual workshops with large-scale factory production. However, with the rapid development of science and technology, the craftsmanship has become an intangible cultural heritage that needs to be saved and protected.




Feather balance



        How much does a feather weigh? When the balance master put this feather on the tip of his hand, we don't seem to feel its weight. A feather is very light. However, if we put it in the key place, the strength of the feather is incalculable. The balance technique is performed by numbers and feathers. Simple band saw brings us different visual impact enjoyment.




Happy kitchen


        中国有句俗话 民以食为天,当人们都在为每日三餐都必须下厨而烦恼的时候,却有人将做饭变为了游戏,将下厨演绎成了一场快了。快乐厨师不是做饭的表演,它是把餐具盒杂技结合在一起,把餐具带到舞台上表演的一个全新表演形式,适合楼盘,家具类企业庆典活动。

        There is a saying in China that food is the most important thing for people. When people are worried about having to cook for three meals a day, some people turn cooking into a game and make cooking fast. Happy chef is not a performance of cooking, it is a new form of performance that combines the acrobatics of the cutlery box and brings the cutlery to the stage. It is suitable for the celebration activities of real estate and furniture enterprises.




Beauty tumbler



        The beauty tumbler is a kind of toy that looks like a person and is made in shape and weight. It swings after being touched and then recovers its standing state. It's a metaphor for some people who are good at dealing with the environment and can maintain their rights for a long time. It's derogatory. According to the principle of the tumbler, this program has been put on the stage after many experiments. Novelty, excitement and fashion are the most direct feelings for the audience.






        This is the perfect combination of strength and aesthetics.





Foreign magic show


        魔术表演在普通人眼里是一件非常神奇的事情, 魔术师会在人们的眼前做出一些似乎是根本不 可能的事,但其实这神秘的背后却是一个个很 正常的原理或是现象。它是运用特制的道具,抓住人们好奇、求知心理的特点,制造出种种 变幻莫测的假象,从而达到以假乱真的艺术效 果。

        Magic show in the eyes of ordinary people is a  very magical thing, magician will make some seemingly impossible in the eyes of people, but  in fact this mysterious behind is a very normal  principle or phenomenon . It is the use of special  props to seize the curiosity of people, to find out  the psychological characteristics of creating all  kinds of unpredictable illusion, so as to achieve  the artistic effect of real ones.





Foreign clown magic show


        小丑魔术师(Clown Magic),是一类以 表演魔术并使人见证不可思议之事的职 业,魔术师利用道具或手法使不可能变 为可能的表演过程,这便是魔术 (Magic)。

        The Clown Magic is a type of profession in  which magic is performed to make people  witness incredible things. The use of props  or techniques by magicians to make the  impossible possible is the magic.





Foreign fancy bartender


        花式调酒,现风靡于世界各地,其是指 通过调酒动作以及魔幻般的互动游戏, 起到与客人拉近关系的作用。调酒师不 仅是一种职业的选择,更是一种时尚前 卫的追求。

        Fancy bartender, now popular in all parts of the world, which means through the  bar tending action and the magic of interactive games, played with the guests  closer relationship. Bartender is not only a  career choice, but also a fashion avant-  garde pursuit.





Professional foreign B-box


        Beatbox,起源于美国,是一种出现于  1980年代的新兴Hip Hop元素,一种在21世纪初兴盛起来而形成的音乐文化。

        Beatbox, which originated in the United States, is an emerging hip-hop element  that emerged in the 1980s, a musical culture that thrived in the early 2000s.